All tagged Synology

Synology Hyper Backup to rsync-compatible Server

You want to backup your Synology NAS (or portions of it) via Hyper Backup to an external rsync-compatible server via SSH.

Everything works great, and as expected, when you do not use the "Transfer Encryption" option to connect to your external server running rsyncd, but Hyper Backup throws very generic and unhelpful errors when you enable "Transfer Encryption" and attempt to use SSH.

Raspberry Pi Network Boot Guide

In my spare cycles over the last couple of months, I've spent a significant amount of time refining my process for network booting Raspberry Pis on a Synology NAS. It took reading many other existing blogs, as well as the official Raspberry Pi network boot guide. In the end, I've figured out the nuances of booting a Pi 3B, Pi 3B+, and 4B on both NFS and iSCSI.

Let's Encrypt & Synology DSM 6.X

Synology DiskStations have become an indispensable tool in my work-life balance. The ability to emulate many cloud-like tools such as Dropbox, Evernote, Google Music, and Netflix, has been an invaluable tool in my tech arsenal. It has increased my flexibility and privacy, while lowering my dependency on cloud infrastructure.