Synology Hyper Backup to rsync-compatible Server

You want to backup your Synology NAS (or portions of it) via Hyper Backup to an external rsync-compatible server via SSH.

Everything works great, and as expected, when you do not use the "Transfer Encryption" option to connect to your external server running rsyncd, but Hyper Backup throws very generic and unhelpful errors when you enable "Transfer Encryption" and attempt to use SSH.

K3s Homelab on Raspberry Pi 4B

I will breakdown the steps of creating a homelab of your very own without breaking your budget. This guide can be customized to meet your own unique and individual needs. You can horizontally and vertically scale to add more performance, or adjust the role of different components to increase, decrease, or eliminated high-availability depending on your own individual needs. At the same time, all of the components of this environment, with a small bit of effort can be repurposed to other projects, given shifts in your interests, hobbies, and needs.

Floyd Lamb Park

I have been on an extended 4th of July weekend from work to spend some quality time with Teri and Rosslyn. This past Friday, Teri was having some much needed "Mom Time" and I decided to take Rosslyn to a new park to explore.

Reworking the Blog's Media Gallery

Recently, I cleaned out our blog's media gallery. It hasn't been updated in quite some time. I am excited to use some of the recent updates to the Squarespace platform to start posting photos and videos from some of our adventures.

Raspberry Pi Network Boot Guide

In my spare cycles over the last couple of months, I've spent a significant amount of time refining my process for network booting Raspberry Pis on a Synology NAS. It took reading many other existing blogs, as well as the official Raspberry Pi network boot guide. In the end, I've figured out the nuances of booting a Pi 3B, Pi 3B+, and 4B on both NFS and iSCSI.

Raspberry PI iSCSI Issues

After lots of cool changes on the home network, I wanted to post about something that had stumped me recently with my RPi4 running Raspberry PI OS (Debian Buster). It would seem that configuring my primary Synology for LACP-based link aggregation had an unusual side-effect on my RPi4.

Returning to Linux on the Desktop

Since 1997, I have had an off and on relationship with Linux as a desktop operating system. I've thoroughly enjoyed it as a server operating system, but have never had the everything "just works" experience on desktops. Invariably, there is always something major flaw that becomes too annoying or troublesome that leads me back to Windows…